

Slave Religion in Colonial North America from an Atlantic Perspective:
A Cultural Syncretism
[abstract]Inspired by Mircea Eliade’s differentiation between “the sacred” and “the profane”, this article advances a religious analytic frame of “the sacred—the heavenly ladders—the profane”, which respectively refer to the other world, this world and the linking bridges between the two worlds. By using this analytic frame, this article first explores the multiple characters of the sacred entities and the plural and continuous characters of the heavenly ladders in the main Western African religions. After criticizing the academic debates around Robin Horton’s theory of the “two-tiered arrangement of the unobservable”, this article then analyzes in turn the social and economic pressures connected with the so-called “macrocosm” over the black slaves in North America, the common ground between Western African religions and Western Christianity, and the functions of the white missionaries in North America. Having viewed the academic debates centering on the continuity of African traditions made by Melville J. Herskovits and E. Franklin Frazier, this article lastly draws a conclusion that the branches of Western Christianity had been successfully grafted onto the trunk of the basic religious structure of Western Africa, and that a towering tree of cultural syncretism was thus growing up on the land of the North American continent in the colonial period.


