


二、库里克夫教授简介: VITA for Allan K ulikoff

Date:February 2006
Rank: Abraham Baldwin Professor of the Humanities, University of Georgia
Address: History Department, University of Georgia., Athens, GA 30602-1602
Telephone: (706) 546-1737 (home); (706) 542-2517 (office) Email:
kulikoff@ uga.edu

M .A., 1971, Ph.D., 1976, Brandies University (History of American Civilization)

Professional Experience
University of Georgia, Abraham Baldwin Professor of the Humanities, 2001-present
Northern Illinois University, Professor, 1993–2001; Associate Professor, 1989–93; Assistant Professor, 1987–89.
Princeton University, Assistant Professor of History, 1982–1987.
Bryn M awr College, Assistant Professor of History, 1980–1982.
Harvard University, Fellow, Charles W arren Center for Studies in American History, 1979–1980.
University of Illinois at Chicago, Visiting Assistant Professor of History and Research Associate, Office of Social and
Demographic History, 1977–1979.
Institute of Early American History and Culture, Fellow; College of W illiam and M ary, Assistant Professor of History,

Selected Grants and Aw ards
Prizes won for Tobacco and Slaves
John H. Dunning Prize, Best First or Second Book in American History, American Historical Association, 1986.
Francis Butler Simkins Award, Best First Book in Southern History, Southern Historical Association, 1985–1986.
Best Book in M aryland History, M aryland Historical Society, 1986–1987.

Fellow ships and Grants
NEH Research Grant to Digitize Peter Force’s American Archives, 2002-2005
John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship, 1996–1997.
NEH/Lloyd Lewis Fellowship, Newberry Library, July–December 1990.
American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, January–June 1991.
NEH grant for conference on “W omen and the Transition to Capitalism in Rural America, 1760–1940,” NIU, 1989.
NEH Senior Fellowship, July 1986–June 1987.
Grant, National Institute for Child Health and Development, Public Health Service, “M igration and Population Growth
in the South,” 1980–1982.
Charles W arren Center for Studies in American History Fellowship, Harvard University, 1979–1980.

From British Peasants to Colonial American Farmers. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2000.
The Agrarian Origins of American Capitalism. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1992.
Tobacco and Slaves: The Development of Southern Cultures in the Chesapeake 1680–1800. Chapel Hill: University of
North Carolina Press, 1986.

Selected Articles in Refereed Scholarly Journals
“W as Dr. Benjamin Church a Traitor? A New W ay to Find Out,” Common-place 6 (O ctober 2005) at

“The Founding Fathers: Best Sellers! TV Stars! Punctual Plumbers!” Journal of the Historical Society 2005 (5): 155-87
“Electric Ben: Franklin and Popular History,” Journal of the Historical Society 4 (2004): 211-44
“Revolutionary Violence and the Origins of American Democracy.” Journal of the Historical Society 2 (2002): 229-60.
“W hither the Progress of Inequality?” William and Mary Quarterly (WM Q) 57 (2000): 825-32.
“Households and Markets: Toward a New Synthesis of American Agrarian History.” WMQ 50 (1993): 340–55.
“The Transition to Capitalism in Rural America.” WMQ 46 (1989): 120–44.
“M igration and Cultural Diffusion in Early America, 1600–1860.” Historical Methods 19 (1986): 153–70.
“The Colonial Chesapeake: Seedbed of Antebellum Southern Culture?” Journal of Southern History 45 (1979): 513–40.

Allan Kulikoff, VITA

“Economic Growth in the Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake.” Journal of Economic History 39 (1979): 275–88.
“The Origins of Afro-American Society in Tidewater M aryland and Virginia, 1700 to 1790.” WMQ 35 (1978): 226–59.
“A ‘Prolifick’ People: Black Population Growth in the Chesapeake Colonies.” Southern Studies 16 (1977): 391–428.
“‘Throwing the Stocking,’ A Gentry M arriage in Provincial M aryland.” Maryland Historical Magazine 71 (1976): 516–
“Historical Geographers and Social History: A Review Essay.” Historical Methods Newsletter 6 (1973): 122–28.
“The Progress of Inequality in Revolutionary Boston.” WMQ 28 (1971): 375–414.

Selected Chapters in Scholarly Books
“W as the American Revolution a Bourgeois Revolution?” Pp. 58–89 in Ronald Hoffman and Peter J. Albert, eds., “The
Transforming Hand of Revolution”: Reconsidering the American R evolution as a Social Movement.
Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1996.
“The American Revolution and the M aking of the American Yeoman Classes.” Pp. 80–119 in Alfred Young, ed., Beyond
the American Revolution: Further Exploration in the H istory of American Radicalism. DeKalb: Northern
Illinois University Press, 1993.
“Uprooted Peoples: Black M igrants in the Age of the American Revolution, 1790–1820.” Pp. 143–71 in Ira Berlin and
Ronald Hoffman, eds., Slavery and Freedom in the Age of the American Revolution. Charlottesville: University
Press of Virginia, 1983.
“The Beginnings of the Afro-American Family in M aryland.” Pp. 171–96 in Aubrey C. Land, et al., eds., Law, Society,
and Politics in Early Maryland. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977. Revised for M ichael Gordon,
ed., The American Family in Social Historical Perspective, 2nd ed. New York: St. M artin’s Press, 1978.

W ork in Progress
Flags and Founders
The M aking of the American Yeoman Class. Under contract with the University of North Carolina Press.
The Farmer’s Revolution, 1765–1800. Under contract with the University of North Carolina Press.

Papers Presented at Professional M eetings
Papers given between 2001 and 2006 at the M cNeil Center for Early American Studies, P rogram in Early American
Economy and Society, Conference on Creating Empire and Identity, Conference on Class Relations in Early America,
UGA History Department Colloquium, (three times),
Thirty-four additional papers given at professional meetings and conferences between 1973 and 2001.

Selected Professional Service
M ember, Fletcher M . Green and Charles W . Ramsdell Award Committee for best article published in the Journal of
Southern History, 1992–1993, and Program Committee, 1988, Southern Historical Association.
Conference organizer, “W omen and the T ransition to Capitalism in Rural America, 1760–1940,” NIU, 1989; “Economic
Development and Cultural Change in the Early Republic,” University of Illinois at Chicago, 1980; and
“Teaching W omen’s History,” Bryn M awr College, Bryn Mawr, 1982.
M ember, publications committee (1983–85) and executive committee (1988–90), Social Science History Association.


